Tolland suburb sign
CHANCE FOR COMMUNITY FEEDBACK:  Members of the community can have their say about the Tolland Renewal Project and the draft Plaques Policy. Both will be on exhibit until 30 September.


Tolland Renewal Planning Agreement and Plaques Policy go on exhibition

Published: 02 Sep 2024 11:59am

The Wagga Wagga community has the opportunity to give their feedback on two separate proposals, which Council endorsed placing on public exhibition at its Ordinary Meeting on 26 August.

The first is the draft Planning Agreement with Homes NSW in relation to the Tolland Renewal Project, along with an Explanatory Note; the second is the draft Plaques Policy (POL 028), which would give Council the ability to remove an existing plaque at its discretion.

The draft Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note will be on exhibition for a period of 28 days, from Monday 2 September to Monday 30 September.

Wagga Wagga City Council’s Director Regional Activity John Sidgwick said the Explanatory Note describes the contents of the Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) between Council and the State government, in plain English.

“A voluntary planning agreement is a legal document containing technical language and many in the community may not be familiar with the terminology. The Explanatory Note uses plain English to explain the VPA and what infrastructure will be delivered, in a way that anyone can understand,” Mr. Sidgwick said.

Following the public exhibition period, Council will receive a further report addressing any submissions made in respect of the proposed planning agreement. This will be followed by a recommendation regarding whether to enter into the proposed agreement.

The draft Plaques Policy (POL 028) will also be on public exhibition for a period of 28 days, with public submissions invited for a further 14 days.

The clause giving Council the ability to remove an existing plaque at its discretion is in response to a petition received from the community in October 2023.

Following the public exhibition period, a further report addressing any submissions received will be presented to Council.

The public exhibition period for both runs from Monday 2 September – Monday 30 September 2024.