
First meeting for Crime Prevention Working Group

Published: 30 Aug 2019 3:50pm

A diverse mix of community representatives, police, government agencies and other stakeholders were brought together by Wagga Wagga City Council for the first Crime Prevention Working Group meeting on 26 August.

An overview of Council’s Crime Prevention Plan 2017-21 and Graffiti Management Plan 2017-21 was given, along with a presentation by Wagga Wagga Local Area Command on local crime trends and statistics.

Voting members of the group include representatives from the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Housing and Family and Community Services, Department of Justice, the Aboriginal legal/justice service sector area, NSW Police Wagga Wagga Local Area Command, Council, the Member for Wagga Wagga, community representatives (one of which is under the age of 25) and a representative from Neighbourhood Watch.

It’s hoped that over time the group will have a positive effect on community and business confidence. The group is also an opportunity for Council to increase partnerships and support, and strengthen the link between Council and community safety and crime prevention organisations.