Aussie Backyard Bird Count
Published: 16 Oct 2020 9:57am
Wagga Wagga City Council is encouraging residents to take part in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count as part of National Bird Week.
It’s an activity for all ages that involves observing and counting the birds that live near you – whether in your garden, a local park or even down Baylis Street.
The Aussie Backyard Bird Count runs from 19–25 October 2020. To take part, simply stand or sit in one place for 20 minutes and note what birds you see on the free Aussie Bird Count app. Participants can submit multiple counts from any location.
As a supporter of the count, Council will have access to locally captured data including the species identified, the number of each species, and how many people took part.
Environmental Officer Samantha Pascall said the information generated from the count would help Council identify what species are present within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area and track any increase or decrease in their numbers.
“The data also provides an indication of the health of our environment,” Ms Pascall said.
“For example, if we see lots of birds in an area, we know there are resources available there – habitat, food and water. If, in a few years, we see a decline in those numbers, or in a particular species, we’ll know something is happening and be able to investigate and act.”
The information gained from this year’s count, and subsequent counts, will help Council track progress against the Biodiversity Strategy: Maldhangilanha 2020-2030.
Ms Pascall is also hoping the count will help residents rediscover the important role their backyards play in supporting birds.
“Birds are a crucial part of our ecosystem, and many native birds rely on our gardens, parks and wetlands for their survival,” Ms Pascall said.
“They do so much for us – pollinating flowers, dispersing seeds and helping keep insects under control – as well as filling our spaces with beautiful bird calls.
“By making a few changes to your backyard you can help ensure their survival, and enjoy their company for years to come.”
How to take part in the bird count
- Download the free Aussie Bird Count app, available for iPhones and Android smartphones on Google Play or iTunes. You can also submit your bird count through an online web form available at aussiebirdcount.org.au
- Spend 20 minutes standing or sitting quietly in one spot and noting the birds you see. Dawn and dusk are ideal, but you can count anytime during the day.
- You can submit multiple counts from multiple locations.
For more information visit aussiebirdcount.org.au and wagga.nsw.gov.au/biodiversitystrategy
How to create a bird-friendly garden
The aim is to provide year-round food, water and shelter for different species.
Add to your existing plants, including a variety of different-sized natives creating a multi-layered habitat, including:
- ground covers
- small and medium-sized shrubs (for density)
- trees (where possible).
Add a bird bath or two.
Sit back and enjoy your new feathered friends.
For detailed instructions visit aussiebirdcount.org.au/gardening