Progress on Dunns Road upgrade
Published: 08 Apr 2022 10:31am
Wagga Wagga City Council is continuing work on the Dunns Road upgrade, with the road due to be completely sealed by the end of December 2022, weather permitting.
As part of Stage 1 of the project, Council has finished improving the cross road drainage, and is now carrying out earthworks and applying road pavement.
Associate Director of Projects Silas Darby said a reduced speed limit of 80 km/h would be in place on the adjoining section of the Olympic Highway between 9.30am and 3.30pm until Monday 23 May 2022.
“The speed limit has been reduced on the Olympic Highway between Dunns Road and the Old Olympic Highway at Kapooka while we’re working,” Mr Darby said.
“The reduced speed limit applies to both northbound and southbound lanes.
“We’re using heavy transport to move material from our Kapooka stockpile site, which is alongside the Olympic Highway, to Dunns Road, so we’re asking road users to drive slowly and be aware of trucks turning.”
Mr Darby said Council was currently midway through Stage 1 of the upgrade.
“Right now, we’re in the earthworks phase, preparing the existing 2.8-kilometre sealed section and remaining 2.2 kilometres of unsealed road for sealing,” Mr Darby said.
“As long as the weather remains fine, we’re aiming to have all of Stage 1 finished by the end of December.”
The second stage of the upgrade will see Council working with Transport NSW to construct a right-hand turning lane at the Olympic Highway and Dunns Road intersection.
Stage 3 of the upgrade, construction of a roundabout at the Holbrook Road and Dunns Road intersection, will be subject to receiving black spot funding.
The Dunns Road upgrade project is funded by the Australian Government ($5.8 million) and Wagga Wagga City Council ($2.5 million).
For more information visit wagga.nsw.gov.au/projects