Council to prepare shade protection report
Published: 04 Feb 2022 3:19pm
Wagga Wagga City Council will prepare a report auditing the degree of shade protection at all Council-owned playgrounds after the matter was discussed at a recent Council meeting.
The notice of motion, presented at Council’s 31 January 2022 Ordinary Meeting, also requested that Council calculate the costs of installing shade sails and planting mature trees at the playgrounds.
Council’s shade protection report will also look into the process for introducing mandatory shade requirements for all future Council-owned playgrounds, including those currently being built, as well as investigating available funding sources for different shade options.
Results from Council’s recent Playgrounds Survey found that the provision of shade for the region’s playgrounds was the number one issue raised by the community.
Council manages 100 playgrounds across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area; 84 in the Wagga Wagga urban area and 16 in the surrounding rural villages.
The shade protection report will be presented to councillors later this year.