Consultation sessions for All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan
Published: 11 Mar 2022 11:41am
Wagga Wagga City Council will hold a series of online and in-person consultation sessions next week as part of its review and update of the All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 which was formerly named the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017- 2021.
The All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026 will assist Council to understand and prioritise infrastructure, services and programs to increase wellbeing, connectedness and quality of life for people living with all abilities in our community.
All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan Survey
Social Planning Coordinator Sarah Lehman said it is important for residents to have their say on what they would like to see incorporated into the new plan.
“We launched an online survey on 7 February which has received a strong response from the community,” Ms Lehman said.
“In addition, we will be holding a number of in person and online consultation opportunities from Tuesday to Friday next week (15-18 March).
“We are encouraging people to participate as their feedback will help inform the priority actions to be reported in the plan, so Wagga Wagga is a liveable community for all-abilities individuals, their families and carers.”
Date: Tuesday 15 March – online (afternoon session)
Time: 12pm to 2pm
Where: Online consultation via TEAMS
Date: Wednesday 16 March - face-to-face (morning session)
Time: 10am to 12pm
Where: CLS3 Space – Wagga Wagga City Council Library
Date: Thursday 17 March – face-to-face (evening session)
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Where: Council Meeting Room, Wagga Wagga City Council
Date: Friday 18 March – online (morning session
Time: 8.30am to 10.30am
Where: Online consultation via TEAMS
If you are interested in being part of these sessions, you can register by visiting connect.wagga.nsw.gov.au/aaiap22 and clicking on the appropriate link under ‘Register to Participate in a Community Consultation Session’.
You can find the link to the survey on the same webpage. There is an easy to read version available online for printing, but community members can also come to Customer Service at the Civic Centre and request one.
The online survey closes Monday 4 April 2022.