Last days to have your say on the future of tourism in Wagga Wagga
Published: 07 Feb 2025 9:02am
Council would like to thank those community members who have already shared their thoughts on our Draft Destination Management Plan 2025-2034 and is reminding those who are yet to have their say that there is still time to give their input.
The draft plan has been prepared to provide a strategic approach to foster the growth of a robust visitor economy in Wagga Wagga and surrounding region over the next 10 years.
The draft plan was placed on public exhibition on 29 November last year, and public submissions close in just over a week’s time on Sunday 16 February 2025.
Destination and Events Coordinator Kimberly Parker said over the past 10 weeks, Council staff have been holding community engagement sessions with residents and local tourism businesses across our city and surrounding villages to receive feedback on the draft plan.
“We are really pleased with the responses and participation we’ve received from the whole community during the community engagement phase,” Ms Parker said.
“From popping up in our rural villages alongside Council’s Agile Library service to chatting with locals at cafés, the team has been busy gathering valuable insights to ensure the plan is on the right track.
“We’ve also held sessions with our city’s youth – a special thanks to the Youth Week Crew for their fantastic ideas – as well as sessions with our neighbouring shire councils and local visitor economy businesses.
“It’s been important to get feedback from as wide a range of residents and stakeholders as possible, as this plan will be a roadmap for Wagga Wagga to develop and grow our tourism potential over the next 10 years.”
In addition to the in-person feedback given to staff at these consultation sessions, Council has received quite a number of public submissions through Council’s online Have Your Say platform, and through written submissions at one of six kiosks across the city.
You can find out more about the draft plan and provide your input online at haveyoursay.wagga.nsw.gov.au/dmp or in person at our Visitor Information Centre or the Civic Centre.
Submissions close on Sunday 16 February 2025 and will be considered in the final draft plan, which will be presented back to Council for approval.