Put secondhand first: Council partners with Garage Sale Trail
Published: 21 Oct 2022 10:17am
Wagga Wagga residents can choose their own planet-saving adventure when the Garage Sale Trail takes place over four weekends from 29 October to 20 November.
Made locally possible by the NSW Environment Protection Authority and Wagga Wagga City Council, the festival encourages residents to sell, shop and learn about the circular economy.
Council’s Environmental Education Officer Christina Reid said being part of the Garage Sale Trail makes holding a garage sale easy.
“The event is a fun way for residents to connect and stop good stuff going to landfill or being illegally dumped,” Ms Reid said.
“Our partnership with Garage Sale Trail allows anyone in the Local Government Area to register their sale, get ideas and advice from the garage sale pros, and be part of a nationwide movement making a big impact.
“The partnership is an important one for Council’s environmental and sustainability team given it encourages community-powered circular economy education and aims to get residents thinking about consumption differently.
“This includes reusing, repairing, re-loving items, saving items from landfill and maximising the value of all the energy and resources that goes in to making the stuff we buy.
“It’s the circular economy in action and it’s something all Wagga Wagga residents can get behind.
“When we start putting second hand first, the positive impacts to our environment are huge.”
Not only does the partnership allow Wagga Wagga residents to sell and shop, this year Wagga Wagga City Council presents the Trail Tutorials workshop series from 29 October to 5 November.
“Part of the Garage Sale festival, the Trail Tutorials are a series of inspiring, educational and online workshops all about sustainable fashion and renovations,” Ms Reid said.
“These workshops are hosted online using zoom and are free to all Wagga Wagga residents.”
Hosted by The Living Room’s Barry Du Bois and ABC War on Waste’s Craig Reucassel, the Trail Tutorial workshop series will help you to be sustainable and stylish when you dress, live and renovate.
To register a sale, head to garagesaletrail.com.au/waggawagga
To register for a Trail Tutorial online workshop, head to garagesaletrail.com.au/learn