Community to have their say on Wagga Cricket Ground Masterplan
Published: 13 Jun 2024 12:00pm
The Wagga Wagga community is being encouraged to give their feedback on a Masterplan which will guide future works at the Wagga Cricket Ground in the city’s CBD.
At its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday 11 June, Council endorsed placing the draft Wagga Cricket Ground Masterplan on public exhibition for a period of 30 days from 14 June 2024 to 14 July 2024 and invite submissions until 21 July 2024.
Manager City Growth & Regional Assets Ben Creighton said Council has been working with stakeholders and key user groups over a number of years and has put together a concept plan on the key priorities for the redevelopment and upgrade of the ground.
“Now it’s time for the broader community and the residents who live in and around that area to have their say on some of the concept plans,” Mr Creighton said.
“We want to get an understanding of what the community’s desires and expectations are for the Wagga Cricket Ground and hear their views about what we're potentially proposing for its future.”
The Masterplan will serve as a long-term strategic document, guiding future works by ensuring they are completed in line with identified priorities derived from stakeholder and community consultation.
A key consideration was the future of the cycling track from around the oval, which has previously been identified for removal once the Multisport Cycling Complex at Pomingalarna was completed.
“The track is reaching its end of asset life and will become an increasing maintenance burden,” Mr Creighton said.
“Its removal would address those issues and allow us then to expand the footprint of the oval, which then gives us some more flexibility around the use of that space moving forward.”
Initial costings of the project estimate the total cost of implementing the masterplan to be in excess of $4.2 million.
Currently, there is no allocated funding for Wagga Cricket Ground projects within the Council's Long Term Financial Plan.
Following the public exhibition period, Council will receive a further report addressing any submissions received in respect of the Wagga Cricket Ground Masterplan
We want to hear your thoughts and ideas on the concept Masterplan for the Wagga Cricket Ground.
The Wagga Cricket Ground Masterplan will be on public exhibition until 14 July 2024, with submissions accepted until 21 July 2024.
For more information on the masterplan and make a submission, visit our Have Your Say Wagga Wagga website.
Alternatively, you can email your submission to council@wagga.nsw.gov.au with the Subject line: Wagga Cricket Ground Masterplan Submission.